About Us and Contact

Who We Are

Cappella Publishing is a family created business - an independent publisher of books, puzzles, cards, graphic arts and related giftware products. We create products to inspire, enlighten and entertain people of all ages. 

We advocate for preservation of natural resources, the protection of endangered species, mitigation of climate change and the improvement of the individual. Whenever possible we will donate a percentage of the profits from individual projects to causes aligned with the artist’s mission.

We bring to market outstanding books and creative printed and digital products that
educate young and old alike.
Cappella products fall into three main categories:
● Books - (traditional, audio and electronic) –books of poetry, memoirs/biographies,
comic books, self-help, non-fiction, photography, children’s books.

● Cards -Baby shower, birthday, ink blots, inspirational photos, Volcano . . . 

● Gifts – Moon Gates, baby blankets, trowels, gloves, bandanas, jigsaw puzzles, calendars
We also offer ghost writing and co-author services from our experiences, published authors. It doesn't end there. 
We have plans for Moon Gates and movie scripts. Keep an eye open for what is coming next.


How We Do It

We each are living life in many ways: watching grandchildren, writing daily journals, cooking meals, writing books, making art, working on other paid projects, gardening, sewing, playing music, reading books, drawing, doing long neglected yard work, hanging out with the monks etc etc.

You get it, don't you? Just like you, our lives are multi-dimensional and we find life happens in different many rhythms and timelines. We are not wedded to the grind of capitalism, nor to the demands of social media. We feel pressured by these outside forces, however, in the end, we tend to move slow. So, stay tuned, take a breath, and enjoy the moment 'cause Dirt Don't Care.

Expert Team

 Ok, "Experts" may be overstating it. We are experts in saying  "Yes", in taking a chance, in making Chinese tonics, in sleeping in, in finding our muses, and in throwing a good party.

Tim Means and Patti Poseidon are the originating authors and inspiration for Cappella Publishing Inc. Camille Baldassar collaborates as a dreamer, artist, entrepreneur, and literacy expert. 

Marty and Dobbie run security. 
Tortie is in charge of mice. 

Creative Joyful 

 Our products fall into three main categories:

● Books (traditional, audio and electronic) –books of poetry, memoirs/biographies, comic books, self-help, non-fiction, photography, children’s books

● Cards – baby shower, birthday, ink blots, inspirational photos

● Gifts – baby blankets, trowels, gloves, bandanas, jigsaw puzzles, calendars
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